���There are few people in a person's life that can have the impact that a mother can. I think we vastly underestimate the important role mothers make in our lives. She can be a guiding light, a rock of stability in a storm of crises, a friend, even the strictest disciplinarian! Yet through it all, she remains more than anything else, a mother.

���As a husband and father, my own wife continues to amaze me. Her goodness and love and competence overwhelm me. I am witness to everything that is most dear between a mother and daughter. I sit as only a father can and marvel at how, despite the fact that so much is expected of her, our daughter's mother gives without reserve. Nothing is so important to her that there isn't time to listen to a seven year old's stories and anecdotes. I admire her motherly patience, working with our daughter as her young mind struggles to understand new knowledge. I respect her medical competence when she has to doctor every manner of illness the mind of a child can conceive. But the times I enjoy most are those special quiet moments when mother and daughter snuggle together as night draws them together into it's unfolding arms. We men like to think we hold the world together, but it is the mothers that keep our topsy turvy, rollercoaster existence in perspective. If you don't believe me, ask my daughter.

���I can't do anything to express the profound respect and love my daughter and I have for her mother. The only thing I can do is go on record as saying that we have the most wonderful wife and mother who deserves far more honor than we can bestow. We wouldn't trade her for anything. Therefore, this is my dedication to her. This is My Mother's Day card. I love you, Colleen.
���Happy��Mother's Day